Page name: Muffin Army [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-17 04:01:00
Last author: TipsyGypsy
Owner: ramada
# of watchers: 11
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2005-01-21 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: now im sittin hear bein depressed

2005-01-22 [n/aaaaa]: stuff.

2005-01-22 [dominoe]: a new wiki

2005-01-22 [n/aaaaa]: YOUR MAKING A NEW WIKI!!!???  -0-0-

2005-01-23 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: koolio

2005-01-23 [cant_get_out]: i made a wiki no one joins my wikis

2005-01-23 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: alone is goin better than my wikis

2005-01-24 [lips like morphine]: ok u guys r random!but not as random as me!*dances around the room*

2005-01-24 [Toad]: trips EE! I'm evil. *I* and don't have a mouth

2005-01-24 [cant_get_out]: lol i love my cool wikis

2005-01-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: i love ure wikis to chris

2005-01-24 [dominoe]: hey!!!!

2005-01-24 [cant_get_out]: hey what

2005-01-24 [cant_get_out]: isnt this beutiful <img:>

2005-01-24 [dominoe]: ahh thats scary

2005-01-24 [n/aaaaa]: EEWWWW >p

2005-01-24 [Toad]: I like its teeth

2005-01-24 [n/aaaaa]: XD

2005-01-25 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *sye*

2005-01-25 [Toad]: the he/she is the real hot one

2005-01-25 [n/aaaaa]: LOLOLOL!!!! .....................Well, yeah i guess.

2005-01-25 [dominoe]: really scary

2005-01-25 [n/aaaaa]: its ugly really, but i mean, the GIRLS teeth are pretty.

2005-01-25 [dominoe]: true but its freaky

2005-01-25 [n/aaaaa]: I know. He sent it to me in a private message. I was all "WTF??!!"

2005-01-25 [Sonik]: That is the most disgusting thing I have evr seen! *blarrghhh*!!!!!!

2005-01-25 [n/aaaaa]: I know, it was :P

2005-01-26 [Toad]: not if you've seen Hillary Clinton naked.

2005-01-26 [Toad]: ...or the intern. (I've been watching I love the 90's)

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: I LOVE THAT SHOW!! :D

2005-01-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea

2005-01-26 [dominoe]: the 90s?

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: Yeah, on VH1

2005-01-26 [dominoe]: never seen it

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: Your a sad child -.-"

2005-01-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: But i love [dominoe] all the same ^_^

2005-01-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: I HATE MATH WITH LETTERS

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: I hate math in general -.-"

2005-01-27 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea

2005-01-27 [cant_get_out]: i am so bored i started school its really gay

2005-01-27 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: oh yea....... lol that bad

2005-01-27 [dominoe]: yep yep

2005-01-27 [dominoe]: [IMG][/IMG]  watch my dancing rabbit

2005-01-27 [n/aaaaa]: OK :D <img:>

2005-01-27 [n/aaaaa]: ITS SO CUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!! ^_^

2005-01-28 [Toad]: It's Japanese! We must kill it!

2005-01-28 [n/aaaaa]: O.O  I love Japan. T.T

2005-01-28 [dominoe]: its from the samurai pizza cats it an old anime

2005-01-28 [n/aaaaa]: O.X"

2005-01-28 [dominoe]: ox?

2005-01-28 [n/aaaaa]: Stop making fun of my faces T.T

2005-01-28 [cant_get_out]: what is that tyan

2005-01-28 [n/aaaaa]: A bunny :P

2005-01-28 [cant_get_out]: lol its so cute

2005-01-28 [cant_get_out]: lol its so cute it need to die

2005-01-28 [cant_get_out]: <img:>

2005-01-29 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAah evil dancing cute things RUN FOR ITTTTTTTTT

2005-01-29 [Toad]: *pulls out combat knife*

2005-01-29 [cant_get_out]: lol

2005-01-29 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *pulls out a slege hammer....* hehehe bye bye bunny

2005-01-29 [cant_get_out]: <img:>

2005-01-29 [Toad]: I call the first one.

2005-01-29 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: nooooooo its un killable

2005-01-29 [Toad]: We can kill it if we try.[cant_get_out], do you have any dead bunnies you could put up?

2005-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: i want to goin! i am "evil muffin monster Maefs!" to all my friends!!

2005-01-30 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol kool

2005-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: my friend syed drew me a picture...wanna se? (of the muffin monster maefs...aka, me...)

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: <img:> MUHAHAHAH! that's me distroying a city! hahaha!

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: kool

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe

2005-01-31 [cant_get_out]: cool

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol ranie ure awsome

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: woot!!!!

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yeaaaaaaa

2005-01-31 [n/aaaaa]: hMMMMM....

2005-01-31 [n/aaaaa]: I LIKE IT!! :D

2005-01-31 [dominoe]: its a cute rabbit

2005-01-31 [n/aaaaa]: dominoe!!! :D

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: i think the rabbit is a bitch and should die

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: dieeeeeeee rabbit diemuwahahahhaaaaaaaaaaahaha

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: *sends muffins to kill it*

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: you can not send muffins to kill it for u are not are queen

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: i have my own muffins bitch...i'm a muffin monster after all...i have little spawn of my own

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yeaaaaaa okthem

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: (^_^) rwar! i'm Muffin Monster Maefs!!!

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: evil muffin from hell........

2005-01-31 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: fire from hell burns in my eyes

2005-02-01 [dominoe]: ahhhh


2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: Ok, ok....get rid of the bunny -.-"

2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: ? i haven't done anything have i? *looks around*

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: I dunno o.o IVE LOST MY BROTHER AND I DONT KNOW WHERE HE IS!!  T.T

2005-02-01 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: buwahahahhaa

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: **UPDATE** I found him shortly after that message was posted :D

2005-02-02 [Toad]: ***Better Update*** [n/aaaaa] kills 9 people in bar fight---ironically, with a lead pipe.

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: -.-"  Yes. I have issues.....

2005-02-02 [Sonik]: *cough, cough*

2005-02-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-02-02 [Sonik]: Pitiful.....

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: who me? (-_-) i know

2005-02-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-02-02 [Sonik]: No, no, no! [n/aaaaa]...... ;)

2005-02-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea tyans vishous

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: XD  Nice.

2005-02-02 [dominoe]: fight!!!!!!!

2005-02-02 [Sonik]: Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: **PUNCHES [dominoe]**

2005-02-02 [cant_get_out]: lol stop fighting dont you see this fighting kills us all

2005-02-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: No, not really o.0

2005-02-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: die

2005-02-03 [cant_get_out]: lol dont u know how mary died

2005-02-03 [Sonik]: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^_^..... I mean :(

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!!!!!

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: XD

2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: ewww...

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: LOL!!! Yeah i know :P

2005-02-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: huh?......... im lost

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: the picture is gone now...just smile and nod...

2005-02-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ok

2005-02-04 [Sonik]: * makes an "L" with his thumb and index finger on his forehead*

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: i was thinking about doing that, but since only losers still do that, i figured i wouldn't be hypocritical...(^_^)

2005-02-04 [dominoe]: just let them fight it out

2005-02-04 [Sonik]: "L" for love, stupid! ^_^

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: "hate is just a special emotion given to those who suck"

2005-02-04 [n/aaaaa]: WHAT!!! I MADE THAT UP LUIS...."L is for love"......THATS MY GETAWAY!!  0.0"

2005-02-05 [Sonik]: No its not!!!! You stole it from that movie, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, you bozo!!!! :P

2005-02-05 [Sonik]: Oh, "jealousy is spontaneously conceived when a being feels an overwhelming sense of self-loathing and attempts to make up this shortcoming by feeling irate at other's people good spirits" (not to mention fortune).  ^_^

2005-02-05 [n/aaaaa]: O.O

2005-02-05 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: oooooookeeeeeee

2005-02-05 [n/aaaaa]: I like the quote though ^_^ Luis, did you get that from the dictionary, made it up, or seriously quoted it from someone?

2005-02-06 [relived dreams]: You guys suck . ha  ha

2005-02-06 [relived dreams]: GATA SUCKS TOO !

2005-02-06 [n/aaaaa]: Dianna, your stupid. And YOU ARE GATA. So shut up -.-"

2005-02-06 [Toad]: ...Sonik sounded smart...

2005-02-07 [n/aaaaa]: He's my brother...of course he is....runs in the family ^_^

2005-02-08 [Sonik]: Thank, thank you... *does a little, bow*

2005-02-08 [Sonik]: By the way, that quote wasn't a quote at all. I made it up entirely, with no reference whatsoever. Just a little gift to [RabidSphinx] from me. ^_^

2005-02-08 [n/aaaaa]: Gift???????  Why did you give a "gift" to her? O.O"

2005-02-08 [n/aaaaa]: I mean, thats not bad because she's a great person just wondering ^_^

2005-02-08 [Sonik]: "Gift" as in insulting gift, didn't you read what she said to me? All's good, though. ^_^

2005-02-08 [Sonik]: It was kind of meant for you too... *snickers* ^_^

2005-02-08 [n/aaaaa]: -_-" Not cool.......

2005-02-08 [dominoe]: the L .. for love things from the movie dodgeball the movie

2005-02-08 [n/aaaaa]: That movie was freaking funny!

2005-02-08 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: uugh

2005-02-09 [n/aaaaa]: *ppcch* Whats your deal? Didnt think it was funny? o.o"

2005-02-09 [dominoe]: yeah its a great movie im gonna get it on dvd

2005-02-09 [Sonik]: " Time to put your mouth where our balls are." Hilarious! ^_^

2005-02-09 [Sonik]: "Real freakin' naughty freak." Help me, I can't breathe!! Hahahahaha!!!!

2005-02-09 [dominoe]: if u can dodge a rench u ca dodge a ball lol

2005-02-09 [n/aaaaa]: XD  That movie is better in WIDE screen ^_^ But its still funny non the less. And i was asking [~!~GreenDay~!~] if she liked it because she said, "uugh" after we started talking about it :/

2005-02-10 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: what movie

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: Dodgeball

2005-02-10 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: oooh my fucking god i love that movie....... " if you can doge a wrench you can doge a doge ball".....

2005-02-10 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: hehe that was the best part

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: ^_^ Spiffy

2005-02-10 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: i tryed that after i seen that movie...... me n robert were chuckin wrenches at eachother

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: XD LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOOL!!!!

2005-02-10 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea

2005-02-10 [BlankPage]: XD I love that movie!!!

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: YAY!! Your here!!! :D

2005-02-10 [dominoe]: *throws wrech at broken dreams*

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: **catches it** ha-HA!!! :D

2005-02-10 [Sonik]: *gets then both with larger-than-life wrenches while they're not looking* :P

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: **DUCKS**

2005-02-10 [Sonik]: *...and the wrench, doubling as a boomerang, hits her in the back of the head. She falls unconscious and blood spurts from her head.* :P

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: -_-"  aN-UHH.....No. 

2005-02-10 [Sonik]: See! She's delirious!

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: **pcch** Your mom goes to college O.O"

2005-02-11 [dominoe]: his mom is your mom

2005-02-11 [n/aaaaa]: Not exactly..... **cough**

2005-02-12 [Sonik]: Yeah... *cough*

2005-02-12 [n/aaaaa]: So you see [dominoe], thats the story. The, End :)

2005-02-12 [Sonik]: *winks*

2005-02-12 [n/aaaaa]: <img:> Spidey rox XD

2005-02-12 [Sonik]: Ooooh, that's mine now!

2005-02-12 [n/aaaaa]: Sure...i'll just get more ^_^

2005-02-12 [dominoe]: sorry missed the story

2005-02-12 [n/aaaaa]: It was only two lines long...actually, not even that.... O.O"

2005-02-13 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: im lost

2005-02-13 [n/aaaaa]: Lost on what? O.O"

2005-02-13 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ure whole convo

2005-02-13 [n/aaaaa]: About the brother/sister thing?

2005-02-13 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: the whole ting im just lost

2005-02-13 [n/aaaaa]: Ah. Lovely ^_^

2005-02-13 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea

2005-02-13 [Sonik]: *cough*

2005-02-13 [n/aaaaa]: ^_^

2005-02-14 [BlankPage]: O_;;; ... MY EYE!!! O_o;;;; k that's better. *backs away slowly*

2005-02-15 [n/aaaaa]: XD

2005-02-15 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: * IS HAPPY*

2005-02-15 [dominoe]: yay!

2005-02-15 [Sonik]: *shakes his head shamefully* I digress...

2005-02-15 [dominoe]: why?

2005-02-15 [n/aaaaa]: I dunno -______-"

2005-02-15 [dominoe]: ^_^

2005-02-15 [n/aaaaa]: They played Sublime at school today!!! XD

2005-02-16 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: awsome.........weeeeeee im goin on a feild trip tomorrow\

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